I am struggling trying to plan out how the next six months are going to go. I have so much to be preparing for, but lack some of the necessary tools to begin.
I was hoping to get my extra money this paycheck coming up, but of course, no. I will be calling payroll about that slip up, but it's unlikely they can fix it in time to give me the extra cash. I really need to go get a part-time job. But, since everyone at work is taking leave next month, and the schedule is crazy as fuck, I don't see that happening.
Also, I need to plan for Manada's wedding in August. I can't decided if I want to drive or fly. Kyle and the baby are flying home two weeks before I go up to Illinois. Her wedding is in Missouri, so I will need a car to get there and back. I could always take my mom's new car, since we're only going for a day. But the rest of my time there I will depend on everyone else for rides. It's not terrible I guess. And gas prices are going up. And a 15 hour drive doesn't sound fun. I will crunch some numbers and figure it out by next week.
Speaking of crunching numbers, I did the math for my move to single-mommy in October. After moving into base housing, and paying for daycare and all my other COL expenses, I will break even. Break even???!!! That is going to suck ass in the worst way. But, at least it is possible to do this completely on my own, since depending on Kyle is a definite no-go in my book. That's only if I can get into base housing. My lack of orders is putting me in a shitty position to move anywhere when my lease is up.
I really need to start preparing my Family care plan too. I don't know how the fuck I am going to manage that. Good thing I won't "need" it for a while. Not filling it out now will buy me some time later. Lord forbid I can't complete it and get separated. Kyle better be ready to accommodate whatever I need. He isn't going to do shit else!
Okay, I better go hit up the vending before I get any more overwhelmed talking about my to do list!
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