This week was such a great one. I can't begin to explain the liberation I am feeling at this point. I no longer have to worry so much about the future. I will have everything in place for my transfer later this year, and there won't be any question as to whether or not Ariana and I will be financially stable. I shouldn't have doubted myself to begin with, but I know that worrying comes along with being a mommy. What mom doesn't worry about things?
I absolutely love our new place. Funny how excited I get about base housing, but I really am. Okay, the bathroom has a funky pink tile scheme, and I have to get a new curtain and rug, but minor details, right? I think I am most excited about finally having a yard(and not having to mow it myself). Ariana will be able to go out back and play and I wont have to worry about her falling into the marsh, being eaten by an alligator, or whatever nasty beings reside at our place now. This place is just so much more convenient for a single mama. The kitchen is big, so lots of room to cook, more counter space, and a fuckton of cabinets.
I considered trying to buy a house, but I just don't want to deal with all that right now. I guess I'm going with the easier option here, but feel like that's best, for now at least.
Now I just gotta get moved in, get divorced, get orders, and start school. I was going to wait until I transferred for school, but hell, if I'm going to be at my current job until at least December, I might as well start sooner.
I feel real good right now. Something bad is bound to happen, but I'll deal with that if it comes. The next few months will be busy ones, but I gotta remind myself to stop every once in a while and remember all that I have to be thankful for.
I'll try to post pics of the new place later.
Glad to read that things are going in your direction. Believe, God comes through just when you think you can't handle it no more. Can't wait to see the photos.