Okay, so you know they say when it rains, it pours???
As you all know, I have been through a series of unfortunate events the past week or so, and I though the light at the end of the tunnel was just ahead...but it turned out to be an oncoming train!
My hair appointment that was suppose to be low-cost, ended up at almost full price. I didn't get to use my discount until the next appointment, but oh well.
Then, I went shopping on Saturday with my dear friend. We always take separate vehicles, since we both had babes. Well, I looked around and found a strapless bra I wanted. So we buy what we need and leave. Both babies were fussy, and I needed to get home.
On the way home my gas light comes on. I'm like, okay, no problem. I'm about 20 minutes from home. I stop. My wallet is no where to be found. My phone is at home with Kyle. All my cards, Ids, and cash was in that wallet. Of course I realize I'm stuck. I won't make it back to the mall, and I won't make it home. My friend was already headed to base to visit her hubby on duty.
Ariana is asleep in the back seat. I wake her up and go uptot the strange woman next to me and ask to borrow her phone to call Kyle. He, of course, doesn't answer since he doens't know the number. By this point I am hysterically bawling my eyes out. I only know three people besides my husband down here, and I have all their numbers in my phone, I don't know them by heart. The poor woman didn't know what to think. She handed me a five dollar bill and told me to get gas and get my baby home.
I have never been so mortified or humiliated in my life. I quickly paid, got the gas and left. I made it to base, but didn't have any kind of identification. After convincing the police I had just moved, and that I really did reside on base, they escorted me home.
The next day I went back to the mall and got my wallet.
Yesterday night I leave work, and my check engine light comes on. The car is two years old, and I haven't even driven it for a year!
I get home and my sister is blowing up my phone. My mother rear ended a car and is in the hospital. Thank God she is okay now, but her new car isn't.
Then, DH owed a bunch of late fees at blockbuster, and guess who's card is on the account? Yep, mine. And now all of a sudden they have started charging your accounts fees to your card, without any notice. 30 bucks I'm out, can't get back.
And I'm suppose to pay 2 rents, a car note, among many other things and I don't get paid until next Wednesday! Talk about tight.
Watch, I'll leave tonight and my car will blow up on the way home. So, I need to get a diagnostic done on it. Shitty Shit shit.
But, in light of all that, I know I am very fortunate to have a roof over my head, food in my mouth( for now, lol), and my baby girl is happy and healthy. I should appreciate all that. I shouldn't ask for more.
But, I'm still in awe. Like, is Karma coming back to get my ass for something I did?
*Big Breath*. Like Bob Marley said "Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right" - I won't worry!"
Wow...just pray girl, it will get better. Its crazy how these things just come at once. But God is giving you strength to survive and endure it all.